Computation, Structure, and Learning

Our group, led by Assoc. Prof. Mahito Sugiyama, studies machine learning at National Institute of Informatics (NII) in Tokyo since 2017.

Machine learning is the discipline of studying intelligent computing systems, which nowadays plays a key role in artificial intelligence (AI). To reveal the nature of learning, we focus on the relationship between computational processes, discrete structures, and machine learning models.

We belong to the Department of Informatics, SOKENDAI (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies), which offers 3-year and 5-year Ph.D. courses. More information is available at the NII website.


  • Pingbang Hu from University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign joined our lab as an internship student (May. 13, 2024).
  • Our paper "Neural Tangent Kernels for Axis-Aligned Tree Ensembles" (First author: Ryuichi Kanoh) has been accepted to ICML 2024 (May. 2, 2024).
  • Julien Closson from ISIMA joined our lab as an internship student (Apr. 1, 2024).
  • Tatsuki Ebisawa and Kentaro Nakata joined our lab as new Ph.D. students (Apr. 1, 2024).
  • James Enouen from University of Southern California joined our lab as an internship student (Mar. 5, 2024).
  • Chi-Hsien Chang from National Taiwan Univeristy joined our lab as an internship student (Feb. 26, 2024).
  • Our paper "Bringing Structure to Naturalness: On the Naturalness of ASTs" (First author: Profir-Petru Pârțachi) has been accepted to ICSE 2024 Posters Track (Jan. 23, 2024).  
  • Our two presentations (Presenters: Kazu Ghalamkari and Ryuichi Kanoh) received 2023 JSAI Annual Conference Award (Nov. 1, 2023).   [Link (in Japanese)]
  • Zhanpeng Zhou from Shanghai Jiao Tong University joined our lab as an internship student (Sep. 27, 2023).
  • Masatsugu Yamada received his Ph.D. degree in Informatics from SOKENDAI. Congratulations! (Sep. 26, 2023)
  • Our paper "Many-body Approximation for Non-negative Tensors" (First author: Kazu Ghalamkari) has been accepted to NeurIPS 2023 (Sep. 22, 2023).   [arXiv]
  • Our paper "Unsupervised Tensor Based Feature Extraction from Multivariate Time Series" (First author: Kiyotaka Matsue) has been accepted to IEEE Access (Sep. 21, 2023).

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National Institute of Informatics,
2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8430, Japan
Email: mahito (at)

© Mahito Sugiyama 2024